The popularity of Invisalign for a beautiful smile

If you have been thinking about correcting the misalignment issues of your teeth, you may have heard about Invisalign in Cornwall. Invisalign in Cornwall is a highly popular cosmetic dental treatment which was first introduced just over 20 years ago and since then has helped correct millions of smiles across the world. Invisalign in Cornwall is an ideal choice of cosmetic dental treatment, because not only does it improve the look of your smile, but it also promotes better oral health. This is because it helps straighten crooked and wonky teeth, therefore creating a neatly aligned smile.invisalign-in-cornwall The advantages of straight teeth

When your teeth are neatly aligned it is significantly easier to keep them clean and healthy. There are less hard-to-reach areas for bacteria and plaque to be able to linger and therefore it helps promote better dental health. When teeth are crooked it is difficult to clean between  them, therefore bacteria and plaque remain in these hidden areas and lead to the formation of tartar. When tartar remains on the teeth it results in many different dental issues, including cavities, tooth decay, gum disease and eventually tooth loss.

What is Invisalign?

To create a neatly aligned smile you need to book an appointment to visit us here at Archway Dental Surgery and find out more about Invisalign in Cornwall. It is a cosmetic orthodontic treatment which uses clear thermoplastic aligners as an alternative to traditional metal braces. This is why it is a highly popular treatment option. Invisalign aligners are comfortable to wear and they are almost invisible, as the name suggests, providing a discreet treatment option which is preferred by adults who are reluctant about wearing traditional braces because of their high visibility. Here at our dental surgery the dentist will need to make sure that your teeth and gums are clean and healthy before you can begin the treatment process.

You will undergo a comprehensive examination of your mouth and you will also need to have a special three-dimensional scan of your teeth, which can be sent to the laboratory to find out how Invisalign can improve the aesthetics of your smile. The laboratory will use your scan results to create a digital visual simulation of your mouth, to show you an accurate prediction of the end result of successful treatment with Invisalign. Our dentist will share these results with you and once you both agree that you are happy with the prediction, then the results will be sent to the manufacturers who will create an individually tailored series of aligners that will help move your teeth into their desired positions. It will take approximately two weeks for your aligners to be manufactured and then you can visit the dentist to pick up the whole series at your next appointment. The number of aligners in the series varies from patient to patient and it depends on the severity of misalignment that you begin with and how much movement is required to create a neatly aligned smile for you. Speak to us at our dental surgery today and find out more about Invisalign to improve the appearance and health of your smile.

Straightening your teeth conveniently, comfortably and discreetly with Invisalign in Cornwall

You may have heard about Invisalign in Cornwall and maybe seen before and after pictures on dental websites showing beautifully straight smiles after successful treatment with Invisalign. Well, now it is your turn.cornwall-invisalign

Invisalign in Cornwall is a highly convenient, comfortable and discreet method of straightening your teeth once and for all. If you were not able to undergo orthodontic treatment when you were younger and have been daydreaming about a beautiful smile, you can then speak to us at Archway Dental Surgery today and book an appointment to visit our dentist to find out about Invisalign in Cornwall.

Advances in dental technology and the introduction and establishment of Invisalign has helped correct the misalignment issues of over 4 million smiles worldwide. To find out more about why it is one of the most popular methods of teeth straightening in cosmetic dentistry, you need to try Invisalign for yourself. Firstly, our dentist here at Archway Dental Surgery will carry out a full examination of your teeth and gums to make sure that Invisalign is the right treatment for you. Your teeth must be clean and healthy and you should not have any underlying dental issues that may affect the treatment. If you do suffer from dental problems, then they will need to be treated first to ensure that your teeth can be straightened effectively and successfully without any complications in the future.

How does Invisalign work?

Using Invisalign’s very own iTero scanning machine, you will have to undergo a three-dimensional scan of your teeth and gums, which will help create an image of how your teeth will be moved to create a neatly aligned smile. If you and our dental team are satisfied with the prediction, the scan results will be sent to technicians who can manufacture a series of clear plastic aligners that are designed to apply gentle pressure on your teeth to slowly push them into the desired positions.

In comparison to traditional orthodontic braces, which are made of metal brackets and wires, Invisalign aligners are significantly more comfortable, and, as the name suggests, they are almost invisible when worn. You will have tiny attachments fitted to the surface of a few of your teeth so that when you wear the aligners, they fit securely in place. Also, you will not have to worry about the attachments because they will eventually wear away.

The aligners can be taken out of your mouth whenever necessary; however, you are advised to wear them for approximately 22 hours a day, removing them before mealtimes and cleaning your teeth. Aligners allow you to maintain your original dental hygiene routine, and by visiting our dentist regularly during the treatment process, you can make sure that it is coming along successfully and that your teeth remain clean and healthy throughout.

Speak to us at Archway Dental Surgery today to find out more about Invisalign and why it is growing in popularity. Begin your journey to a beautifully straight smile that you can be proud to show off to the world.

The advantages of a beautifully straight smile with Invisalign in Cornwall

It is important to address misaligned or crooked teeth as early in life as possible to promote self-confidence and also good oral health. A neat and symmetrical smile is not only pleasant and attractive to look at, but it is also much easier to keep clean than a misaligned set of teeth. This is because your toothbrush and floss can reach well around each tooth and make contact with the tooth surfaces.invisalign-cornwall

With a crooked smile, there are plenty of areas that you may not be able to clean effectively. Therefore, bacteria will build up in those areas, resulting in the formation of plaque and tartar, which are the main cause of the majority of dental issues. If plaque and tartar are allowed to build up on your teeth, they can cause tooth decay, gingivitis, periodontitis and eventually lead to tooth loss.

Suppose your teeth are misaligned, then usually this would have been addressed during your teenage or early adult years using traditional orthodontic methods. Such methods involve wearing metal dental braces that are attached to the surface of your teeth, which pulls your teeth into position.

If you were unable to undergo orthodontic treatment as a teenager, then it is still not too late. For extensive misalignment issues, traditional orthodontics remains one of the most effective forms of straightening teeth. However, as you may now be an adult, we know that you could have some reluctance towards wearing visible metal braces in your mouth. But thanks to the advances in dental technology, you can still achieve beautifully straight teeth in a more discreet and convenient manner using Invisalign in Cornwall.

What is Invisalign?

Invisalign in Cornwall is a significantly more discreet, comfortable and convenient method of straightening teeth and a popular alternative to traditional orthodontic braces. As the name suggests, Invisalign in Cornwall involves virtually invisible clear plastic aligners that are individually manufactured using detailed scans of your teeth and mouth, which makes them comfortable to wear and provides precise results at the end of the treatment.

You will need to undergo a three-dimensional scan of your teeth using the iTero scanning technology. The results of the scan will then be sent to the Invisalign laboratory to manufacture the series of aligners that will help you reach your aesthetic goal. The number of aligners you will need depends on the extent of movement that your teeth have to undergo to reach the desired look, and this can vary from patient to patient. The average treatment times have been found to range from 6 to 12 months, but this is significantly shorter than the average treatment period of traditional orthodontics, which can take approximately 2 years.

Speak to us at Archway Dental Surgery today to find out more about Invisalign and how aligners can work to help straighten your teeth. Invisalign is suitable for mild or moderate misalignment issues, and once you are happy with your smile, we will introduce you to the different types of retainers available to help maintain your new smile.

Invisalign in Cornwall for a beautifully straight smile

If you have been thinking or researching about straightening your teeth, then you must have heard about Invisalign in Cornwall. Over the last two decades, Invisalign in Cornwall has become a very popular method of teeth straightening not only here in the UK but in many other places around the world. Invisalign in Cornwall is a highly convenient and discrete method of straightening your teeth, which provides an excellent alternative for those who are reluctant to have metal dental braces for correcting the aesthetic issues of their teeth. Although traditional orthodontics remains one of the most effective methods of addressing dental misalignment, thanks to advances in dental technology, procedures such as Invisalign are significantly more discreet and work in a shorter amount of time whilst still producing beautiful results.invisalign-in-cornwall

If you would like to consider Invisalign, then speak to our dentist at Archway Dental Surgery today. You will be booked in for a thorough examination of your teeth and gums to make sure that you have no underlying dental issues. Furthermore, you may be encouraged to carry out a professional clean with our hygienist so that you have no excess plaque or tartar on your teeth. Once our dentist is certain that your teeth are clean and healthy, you will be ready to begin your journey with Invisalign for a beautiful and straight smile.

Ready for Invisalign

You will need a three-dimensional scan that will take images of your teeth and show you an accurate prediction of how they may look following successful treatment with Invisalign. The results of the scan will be sent to the Invisalign laboratory, where technicians will use the results to create a series of tailored aligners that will work to push your teeth into the correct positions.

These aligners are made out of clear plastic, which, as the name suggests, gives them an almost invisible appearance when they are worn. Each aligner is individually manufactured and, therefore, provides comfort and accuracy. Moreover, they are designed to be worn for 22 hours a day, and you can only remove them before brushing, flossing or having a meal. They must be worn whilst you sleep overnight for two weeks, after which you can move on to the next aligner in your series. The aligners will apply gradual pressure on your teeth and move them by approximately 0.25 mm within those two weeks.

After every two or three aligners, we recommend that you visit our dentist at Archway Dental Surgery. Such frequent checkups will allow our dental team to make sure that your teeth remain healthy and clean throughout the process and that no underlying issues occur as a result of your teeth being moved.

Every smile is unique; therefore, the number of aligners needed can vary from patient to patient as it is dependent on the extent of the misalignment. The average treatment period with Invisalign is approximately 6 to 12 months, and by the end, Invisalign can help create a beautiful smile that promotes self-confidence and better oral health for life.

Preparing for a beautiful smile with Invisalign in Cornwall

With celebrities flashing their beautiful white smiles on TV and social media, it is natural that we all daydream about sporting smiles like that ourselves. But, thanks to the recent advances in dental technology, there is no need to daydream anymore. Cosmetic dentistry has progressed significantly over the past few decades, and there are now many treatment options available to help address the aesthetic issues of your teeth and create a beautiful smile here at Archway Dental Surgery.invisalign-in-cornwall

Every smile is unique, and there are many different factors that may be affecting the look of your smile. Whether you suffer from misaligned, crooked, overcrowded or gapped teeth, then you need to speak to our team at Archway Dental Surgery and find out about Invisalign in Cornwall.

The importance of healthy teeth and gums

To undergo cosmetic dental procedures such as Invisalign in Cornwall, it is important that your teeth are clean and your gums are strong and healthy. Treatments such as Invisalign in Cornwall work by moving the position of your teeth; therefore, unless you have good oral health, this can affect any dental issues that you may have and even result in further damage than benefit.

Our dentist here at Archway Dental Surgery will carry out a comprehensive examination of your mouth before you are able to begin your journey to a straighter and more beautiful smile. This will make sure that you have no underlying dental issues that you may be unaware of, and if you do, then such problems can be addressed before you begin Invisalign.

Depending on the nature of treatment that you require, it could take a few months before you are ready to begin treatment with Invisalign, but this will benefit you significantly in the long run. You must visit our dentist regularly to prevent such dental issues from building up in your mouth. If our dentist gets the opportunity to assess your teeth and gums frequently, then we can treat any issues at the onset and prevent further complications in the future.

What happens next?

Our dentist may also recommend that you visit our hygienist at Archway Dental Surgery to remove any excess plaque or tartar that may have built up on your teeth, and by this time, you should be ready to begin your treatment with Invisalign. You will undergo a scan using the iTero scanning device designed by Invisalign themselves, which can be used to create a series of tailored Invisalign aligners. These aligners will work to push your teeth into a neatly aligned formation, giving you a more symmetrical smile that is more attractive to look at and easier to maintain. Furthermore, straighter teeth can do wonders for your oral health in the long run.

So, speak to us at Archway Dental Surgery today. With the assistance of our dental team, you can find out about the advantages of Invisalign, why it is such a popular form of cosmetic dentistry and how it continues to grow in popularity amongst patients and dentists alike.

Advantages of using Invisalign aligners

When it comes to correcting misalignments in adulthood, there are now more options than ever before to help.cornwall-invisalign

And if you come to our team looking for a way to correct a mild or moderate misalignment, or minor issues with spacing or crowding, we may be able to offer you treatment with invisible aligners.

At Archway Dental Surgery, we have helped many patients get the smiles that they deserve using Invisalign in Cornwall and are always eager to help new patients achieve their orthodontic goals too.

Here, our team discusses 7 key advantages of using Invisalign in Cornwall.


Firstly, when you come to our team at our practice for Invisalign in Cornwall, we may be able to offer you financing options. This will help you spread the cost and will ensure that you can get the smile you have always wanted without putting pressure on your finances.

Long lasting

OK, so technically, the treatment is relatively short lived, but the results themselves are long lasting.

When compared to standard braces or other orthodontic tools, studies have found that wearing an invisible aligner produces results that last equally as long. Provided that you follow up your invisible aligner with a retainer, there should be no problems with reversion.


Of course, a key advantage of invisible aligners is that they are unobtrusive and this allows you to wear them in a range of social situations without them being detected.

Just be sure to clean them every day and those aligners will stay invisible!

Good hygiene

Many people know the story of someone who wore metal or fitted braces and had to then attend hygienist appointments to keep their teeth in good condition.

However, with invisible aligners, you can simply remove them before you brush your teeth or eat, meaning they are easy to maintain good oral hygiene with.


You may also remember a person you knew at school having to wear metal or fitted braces and being restricted concerning what they could eat.

After all, metal braces often cause problems with eating foods such as sweetcorn. But much like the good hygiene point, invisible aligners are removable, which allows you to take them out before meal times, having no impact on what you eat or how regularly you eat it.

Just be sure to brush your teeth thoroughly before putting the aligners back in.


Invisible aligners can treat a range of different dental misalignments, including common complaints such as overbites, crowding and spacing.

But before you can begin treatment, our dentist will need to ensure that your misalignment is suitable for correction with invisible aligners. If not, we may need to offer you a clear or fitted brace.


As you may have gathered from the last few points, invisible aligners are removable!

This not only plays well into maintaining dental hygiene and allowing you to eat a wider range of foods, but it also means you can take them out if you are giving a talk at work or even playing sports.

Just be sure that you keep your aligners in for the required 22 hours per day to keep your realignment process on track.

Interesting facts about Invisalign

Did you know that invisible aligners are one of the fastest ways to straighten your smile?invisalign-cornwall

When you come to Archway Dental Surgery, our team can assess your suitability for Invisalign in Cornwall and discuss all aspects of this nifty aligner with you, to help you decide if it is the right treatment for your needs.

Want to know a bit more before you book your consultation? Here are 5 facts you may not know about Invisalign in Cornwall.

Invisible aligners are not made from regular plastic

Yes, Invisalign in Cornwall is an aligner made from plastic, but it is not your everyday plastic!

It is a medical-grade thermoplastic, which is composed of polyurethane resins.

In short, the plastic is hardy, firm, but also malleable enough not to cause discomfort during wear.

They aren’t suitable for everyone

As unfortunate as it is, invisible aligners cannot help everyone who has an orthodontic misalignment.

There are many instances where, due to the position of molars or the severity of a protrusion, overcrowding or spacing, a traditional brace or a clear, fitted brace may be more appropriate. And while invisible aligners have come a long way in recent years relating to what issues they can correct, they are still better suited to realigning mild to moderate dental issues.

They are customised

It seems the future of orthodontic procedures is in the customisation of the aligners or braces.

When you are ‘fitted’ for invisible aligners, our team will take a 3D scan of your mouth, to use as a starting base for treatment, Then, using computer technology, we will ‘move’ your digital photographs into the final desired position.

After this, the aligners are printed using a 3D printer; there will usually be 14 of them (or less) and they will need to be worn in succession to realign your bite. But your aligners will only fit your mouth and so, they are completely customised.

They are fast

When you think of adult braces or aligners, you may assume that the treatment will take a long time. After all, there is a myth that orthodontic work performed at an earlier stage in life is faster than the same work being performed during adulthood.

But when it comes to invisible aligners, if our team gives you the green light to proceed with them, you may be surprised at how speedy they are. In many instances, you will only need to wear them for between 3-6 months and, should it be longer than that, at least the aligners will be discreet!

They are affordable

You may have read about invisible aligners and assumed that you would not be able to afford them.

However, many dental patients are surprised to learn that when compared to traditional braces, aligners are often more affordable. And when you come to our practice to undertake treatment with this aligner, we may be able to offer you financing options to help you spread the cost. That way, you can pay off the cost monthly and it won’t impact your smile. Great news!

If you would like to find out more about your suitability for invisible aligners, please contact our team today!

FAQs answered by our team about Invisalign

Are you curious to learn more about invisible aligners?invisalign-in-cornwall

At Archway Dental Surgery, we know all there is to know about braces and aligners, especially Invisalign in Cornwall and can help you choose the best orthodontic treatment for your dental needs.

Here, our team at the practice answers 5 common questions we receive about Invisalign in Cornwall.

Are invisible aligners uncomfortable?

Many patients assume that, because they are invisible and don’t require tightening, Invisalign in Cornwall will be completely comfortable.

But it is important to remember that the aligners are designed to move your teeth and so there is likely to be some pressure when you wear them, especially when you switch between aligners.

To mitigate this, we recommend using over-the-counter pain relief, such as ibuprofen or paracetamol.

Can you smoke while wearing invisible aligners?

You can, but we would advise against it.

Nicotine can cause staining and, as these aligners are made from clear plastic, this can cause them to change colour and become a bit more visible. Not ideal!

Also, smoking, in general, is bad for your oral health, as it introduces dangerous chemicals to your gums, inner cheeks and throat which can lead to gum disease and even cancer.

If you would like help with smoking cessation, talk to our team at the surgery today.

How long do aligners usually take?

On average, invisible aligners take between 3-6 months to straighten teeth.

But that is assuming that you have a mild to moderate misalignment, that you wear the aligners for the required time each day (22 hours) and that you maintain regular contact with our team.

If you have a complex misalignment, you may need to wear the aligners for longer, which can extend to around 18 months at the longest period. But it will be worth it!

How much does it cost to have aligners made?

This is a tough question to answer as your mouth and your clinical situation will inevitably differ from that of another person.

The best way to get an idea of how much aligners will cost is to meet with a member of our team for a consultation. More goes into determining the cost of overall aligner treatment than you may think and we will be able to give you a more accurate estimate based on the severity of your misalignment, how many aligners may be needed to correct it and how long we predict you will need to wear them for.

Also, if you have concerns about money, we are able to offer financing options to help you spread the cost.

Can I get them delivered to my home for cheaper?

You may have seen adverts online or on television offering a set of clear aligners to be delivered to your home.

And while this can seem ideal (especially if you are on a tight budget), it is best to avoid such items. Many of them rely on you taking dental moulds yourself which can be inaccurate at best and harmful at worst. To begin any kind of orthodontic treatment, you need to be overseen by a trained dentist or orthodontist and need regular appointments to check that the aligner or brace is working.

So, while an aligner delivered to your home may be initially cheaper, long term, it can be pricey for your teeth and your overall health.

A guide to Invisalign aligners

Are you fed up with hiding your smile in photos?invisalign-in-cornwall

If so, you may be glad to learn that, even as an adult, there are ways you can straighten your smile without resorting to fitted, metal braces.

At Archway Dental Surgery, we are proud to be able to offer patients a myriad of orthodontic treatments, even as adults, including the world-famous Invisalign in Cornwall.

But do you want to know a bit more about Invisalign in Cornwall before booking your appointment to see our team? Here, we offer a very brief guide to these invisible aligners. If you have any other queries, feel free to give us a call!

What they are

Invisalign in Cornwall are, in essence, clear aligners that move your teeth by gently applying force to them.

And not only do they move your teeth efficiently, but compared to many other orthodontic tools, they also do it quickly, with the average treatment time being around 3-6 months. So, they are ideal if you want to get a straighter smile ahead of a wedding or graduation.

How they work

We mentioned that these aligners work by gradually applying force to your teeth and moving them gently.

How do they do this? Well, before you can have them fitted, our team will take a 3D scan of your teeth and use computer software to ‘move’ the digitally uploaded teeth into the desired end position. This will also allow us to show you exactly how your teeth will move during the treatment, so there will be no nasty surprises. From this digital movement, a set of aligners will be printed using a 3D scanner. When worn in succession and for the required period of time, these aligners will move your teeth and thus, your dream smile will be reached. Great!


While we wish these aligners could be used for all cases of misalignment that we see at our practice, not everyone is suitable for them.

Indeed, invisible aligners are usually suited to people who have mild to moderate misalignments of their front teeth; anything more substantial and we may need to explore using fitted braces or standard orthodontic ones to correct the alignment.

But to know if you are suitable for invisible aligners or not, you will need to attend a consultation with our team at the surgery. So, call us today!


Having any kind of orthodontic treatment as an adult is going to raise concerns over cost.

However, we know that times can be hard and we are able to offer our suitable patients financing options to help you spread the cost of the treatment.

That way, you can get the smile that you have always wanted without breaking the bank.


Many patients worry that because the aligners are not tightened or adjusted, that the results cannot be as good as those achieved with regular fitted braces.

But studies have found that invisible aligners can produce equally striking results with misaligned teeth (provided they are suitable for you) and under the hands of a trained dentist, these results can last the rest of your life.

Health advantages of Invisalign

Do you want to straighten your teeth as an adult, but aren’t sure if it is worth it solely for the cosmetic outcome?advantages-of-invisalign

At Archway Dental, we know all about how having a straighter smile can improve both your physical and mental health and are happy to recommend Invisalign in Cornwall to our suitable patients.

Still think that invisible aligners are all about resolving cosmetic issues? Here, our dentist discusses 5 top benefits of using Invisalign in Cornwall, so enjoy!

Better dental health

There is more to a straight smile than just looking pretty!

When you use Invisalign in Cornwall, your teeth will become easier to clean, thus leading to a reduction in issues such as cavities, gum disease and plaque accumulation.

And if that newly straightened smile is maintained with regular dental visits, the benefits of using an invisible aligner really can last a lifetime!

Better physical health

Yes, you read that correctly! Wearing an aligner can improve your physical health too!

As mentioned before, if you have excessive levels of plaque (due to misaligned teeth), it can lead to a whole host of secondary issues, such as an increased risk of cardiovascular disease, cancer and even strokes.

By straightening your teeth, it is easier to clean them, thus reducing the likelihood of any of these issues occurring.

Better sleep

Can the alignment of your teeth impact your sleep? Of course, it can!

Having misaligned teeth can cause your teeth to grind together at night when you sleep, leading to disturbed sleep patterns, alongside an increase in headaches and migraines.

While invisible aligners may not be able to cure all of these issues outright (you may need to use a fitted brace too), they can certainly help reduce tension in the facial muscles caused by grinding and bruxing.

Improved digestion

It is easy to forget the role that teeth play when it comes to biting into and chewing food, especially with all the emphasis on the aesthetics of teeth.

But when you have misaligned teeth, it can also be tough on your stomach. Picture a machine; when all the cogs and wheels turn correctly, the machine works just fine. But if one of those cogs falls out of line, it can be tough for the machine to work correctly and thus, secondary issues occur. This is the case when it comes to your stomach and your mouth; if your teeth are misaligned, larger pieces of food will hit the stomach and cause problems with things like acid reflux and digestion.

By straightening your teeth, you can not only improve your digestion but can also reduce the likelihood of issues like heartburn occurring. Great!

Clearer speech

OK, so this is more linked to confidence than anything else! But any speech therapist will tell you that the position of your teeth has an impact on your speech patterns and inflexions.

And as you can imagine, if your teeth are misaligned, it can make it harder to pronounce certain words and sounds. For instance, if your front teeth are more spaced apart, you may struggle to pronounce words like ‘theirs’ or ‘the.’ And when you use invisible aligners to straighten your teeth, your speech patterns will inevitably notice the benefit!