FAQs answered by our team about Invisalign

Are you curious to learn more about invisible aligners?invisalign-in-cornwall

At Archway Dental Surgery, we know all there is to know about braces and aligners, especially Invisalign in Cornwall and can help you choose the best orthodontic treatment for your dental needs.

Here, our team at the practice answers 5 common questions we receive about Invisalign in Cornwall.

Are invisible aligners uncomfortable?

Many patients assume that, because they are invisible and don’t require tightening, Invisalign in Cornwall will be completely comfortable.

But it is important to remember that the aligners are designed to move your teeth and so there is likely to be some pressure when you wear them, especially when you switch between aligners.

To mitigate this, we recommend using over-the-counter pain relief, such as ibuprofen or paracetamol.

Can you smoke while wearing invisible aligners?

You can, but we would advise against it.

Nicotine can cause staining and, as these aligners are made from clear plastic, this can cause them to change colour and become a bit more visible. Not ideal!

Also, smoking, in general, is bad for your oral health, as it introduces dangerous chemicals to your gums, inner cheeks and throat which can lead to gum disease and even cancer.

If you would like help with smoking cessation, talk to our team at the surgery today.

How long do aligners usually take?

On average, invisible aligners take between 3-6 months to straighten teeth.

But that is assuming that you have a mild to moderate misalignment, that you wear the aligners for the required time each day (22 hours) and that you maintain regular contact with our team.

If you have a complex misalignment, you may need to wear the aligners for longer, which can extend to around 18 months at the longest period. But it will be worth it!

How much does it cost to have aligners made?

This is a tough question to answer as your mouth and your clinical situation will inevitably differ from that of another person.

The best way to get an idea of how much aligners will cost is to meet with a member of our team for a consultation. More goes into determining the cost of overall aligner treatment than you may think and we will be able to give you a more accurate estimate based on the severity of your misalignment, how many aligners may be needed to correct it and how long we predict you will need to wear them for.

Also, if you have concerns about money, we are able to offer financing options to help you spread the cost.

Can I get them delivered to my home for cheaper?

You may have seen adverts online or on television offering a set of clear aligners to be delivered to your home.

And while this can seem ideal (especially if you are on a tight budget), it is best to avoid such items. Many of them rely on you taking dental moulds yourself which can be inaccurate at best and harmful at worst. To begin any kind of orthodontic treatment, you need to be overseen by a trained dentist or orthodontist and need regular appointments to check that the aligner or brace is working.

So, while an aligner delivered to your home may be initially cheaper, long term, it can be pricey for your teeth and your overall health.