Invisalign in Cornwall for a beautifully straight smile

If you have been thinking or researching about straightening your teeth, then you must have heard about Invisalign in Cornwall. Over the last two decades, Invisalign in Cornwall has become a very popular method of teeth straightening not only here in the UK but in many other places around the world. Invisalign in Cornwall is a highly convenient and discrete method of straightening your teeth, which provides an excellent alternative for those who are reluctant to have metal dental braces for correcting the aesthetic issues of their teeth. Although traditional orthodontics remains one of the most effective methods of addressing dental misalignment, thanks to advances in dental technology, procedures such as Invisalign are significantly more discreet and work in a shorter amount of time whilst still producing beautiful results.invisalign-in-cornwall

If you would like to consider Invisalign, then speak to our dentist at Archway Dental Surgery today. You will be booked in for a thorough examination of your teeth and gums to make sure that you have no underlying dental issues. Furthermore, you may be encouraged to carry out a professional clean with our hygienist so that you have no excess plaque or tartar on your teeth. Once our dentist is certain that your teeth are clean and healthy, you will be ready to begin your journey with Invisalign for a beautiful and straight smile.

Ready for Invisalign

You will need a three-dimensional scan that will take images of your teeth and show you an accurate prediction of how they may look following successful treatment with Invisalign. The results of the scan will be sent to the Invisalign laboratory, where technicians will use the results to create a series of tailored aligners that will work to push your teeth into the correct positions.

These aligners are made out of clear plastic, which, as the name suggests, gives them an almost invisible appearance when they are worn. Each aligner is individually manufactured and, therefore, provides comfort and accuracy. Moreover, they are designed to be worn for 22 hours a day, and you can only remove them before brushing, flossing or having a meal. They must be worn whilst you sleep overnight for two weeks, after which you can move on to the next aligner in your series. The aligners will apply gradual pressure on your teeth and move them by approximately 0.25 mm within those two weeks.

After every two or three aligners, we recommend that you visit our dentist at Archway Dental Surgery. Such frequent checkups will allow our dental team to make sure that your teeth remain healthy and clean throughout the process and that no underlying issues occur as a result of your teeth being moved.

Every smile is unique; therefore, the number of aligners needed can vary from patient to patient as it is dependent on the extent of the misalignment. The average treatment period with Invisalign is approximately 6 to 12 months, and by the end, Invisalign can help create a beautiful smile that promotes self-confidence and better oral health for life.