Advantages of using Invisalign aligners

When it comes to correcting misalignments in adulthood, there are now more options than ever before to help.cornwall-invisalign

And if you come to our team looking for a way to correct a mild or moderate misalignment, or minor issues with spacing or crowding, we may be able to offer you treatment with invisible aligners.

At Archway Dental Surgery, we have helped many patients get the smiles that they deserve using Invisalign in Cornwall and are always eager to help new patients achieve their orthodontic goals too.

Here, our team discusses 7 key advantages of using Invisalign in Cornwall.


Firstly, when you come to our team at our practice for Invisalign in Cornwall, we may be able to offer you financing options. This will help you spread the cost and will ensure that you can get the smile you have always wanted without putting pressure on your finances.

Long lasting

OK, so technically, the treatment is relatively short lived, but the results themselves are long lasting.

When compared to standard braces or other orthodontic tools, studies have found that wearing an invisible aligner produces results that last equally as long. Provided that you follow up your invisible aligner with a retainer, there should be no problems with reversion.


Of course, a key advantage of invisible aligners is that they are unobtrusive and this allows you to wear them in a range of social situations without them being detected.

Just be sure to clean them every day and those aligners will stay invisible!

Good hygiene

Many people know the story of someone who wore metal or fitted braces and had to then attend hygienist appointments to keep their teeth in good condition.

However, with invisible aligners, you can simply remove them before you brush your teeth or eat, meaning they are easy to maintain good oral hygiene with.


You may also remember a person you knew at school having to wear metal or fitted braces and being restricted concerning what they could eat.

After all, metal braces often cause problems with eating foods such as sweetcorn. But much like the good hygiene point, invisible aligners are removable, which allows you to take them out before meal times, having no impact on what you eat or how regularly you eat it.

Just be sure to brush your teeth thoroughly before putting the aligners back in.


Invisible aligners can treat a range of different dental misalignments, including common complaints such as overbites, crowding and spacing.

But before you can begin treatment, our dentist will need to ensure that your misalignment is suitable for correction with invisible aligners. If not, we may need to offer you a clear or fitted brace.


As you may have gathered from the last few points, invisible aligners are removable!

This not only plays well into maintaining dental hygiene and allowing you to eat a wider range of foods, but it also means you can take them out if you are giving a talk at work or even playing sports.

Just be sure that you keep your aligners in for the required 22 hours per day to keep your realignment process on track.