Preparing for a beautiful smile with Invisalign in Cornwall

With celebrities flashing their beautiful white smiles on TV and social media, it is natural that we all daydream about sporting smiles like that ourselves. But, thanks to the recent advances in dental technology, there is no need to daydream anymore. Cosmetic dentistry has progressed significantly over the past few decades, and there are now many treatment options available to help address the aesthetic issues of your teeth and create a beautiful smile here at Archway Dental Surgery.invisalign-in-cornwall

Every smile is unique, and there are many different factors that may be affecting the look of your smile. Whether you suffer from misaligned, crooked, overcrowded or gapped teeth, then you need to speak to our team at Archway Dental Surgery and find out about Invisalign in Cornwall.

The importance of healthy teeth and gums

To undergo cosmetic dental procedures such as Invisalign in Cornwall, it is important that your teeth are clean and your gums are strong and healthy. Treatments such as Invisalign in Cornwall work by moving the position of your teeth; therefore, unless you have good oral health, this can affect any dental issues that you may have and even result in further damage than benefit.

Our dentist here at Archway Dental Surgery will carry out a comprehensive examination of your mouth before you are able to begin your journey to a straighter and more beautiful smile. This will make sure that you have no underlying dental issues that you may be unaware of, and if you do, then such problems can be addressed before you begin Invisalign.

Depending on the nature of treatment that you require, it could take a few months before you are ready to begin treatment with Invisalign, but this will benefit you significantly in the long run. You must visit our dentist regularly to prevent such dental issues from building up in your mouth. If our dentist gets the opportunity to assess your teeth and gums frequently, then we can treat any issues at the onset and prevent further complications in the future.

What happens next?

Our dentist may also recommend that you visit our hygienist at Archway Dental Surgery to remove any excess plaque or tartar that may have built up on your teeth, and by this time, you should be ready to begin your treatment with Invisalign. You will undergo a scan using the iTero scanning device designed by Invisalign themselves, which can be used to create a series of tailored Invisalign aligners. These aligners will work to push your teeth into a neatly aligned formation, giving you a more symmetrical smile that is more attractive to look at and easier to maintain. Furthermore, straighter teeth can do wonders for your oral health in the long run.

So, speak to us at Archway Dental Surgery today. With the assistance of our dental team, you can find out about the advantages of Invisalign, why it is such a popular form of cosmetic dentistry and how it continues to grow in popularity amongst patients and dentists alike.