Invisalign in Cornwall, discreet dental alignment treatment

If misaligned teeth were not treated when you were a child three decades ago, you were normally left to go through life with your condition. This was partly due to metal braces being the only serious treatment available and they were cumbersome and uncomfortable. The twenty-first century with all its amazing advances in technology has sped up dental development in a variety of areas. Orthodontics is one of the areas that has seen incredible progress, especially in relation to correcting dental misalignment. Our practice, Archway Dental Surgery delivers Invisalign in Cornwall and, using the latest computer-aided equipment, has added to the more than eight million people worldwide who have benefitted from this treatment.


Discreet and suitable for all ages

Invisalign in Cornwall is a discreet and comfortable method of correcting a large range of dental misalignment problems. If a patient is already struggling mentally with the embarrassment of a dental condition, adding to it by attaching a brace which accentuates the problem seems counter-productive. Fortunately dental science and technology have been hard at work over the years, making orthodontic appliances that are less conspicuous and more comfortable. Now patients of all ages have access to a variety of targeted treatments that are discreet.

We are all different

As dentists we understand that no two patients are the same and that it is necessary to conduct a thorough examination and assessment of all conditions to determine the correct procedure. Invisalign in Cornwall uses an amazing piece of equipment to produce thousands of 3D digital images of the interior of your mouth. These images are accurate and clear, allowing us to identify your particular problem and produce a successful and personal treatment plan quickly.

Let us help you smile confidently again

Misaligned teeth can cause a number of medical and mental problems that are relatively easy to correct. If your teeth do not meet properly as they were intended to, you will not be able to masticate your food properly which can cause digestion problems. Certain dental misalignment conditions can also accelerate tooth decay and gum disease, so it is advisable to have this condition corrected. Embarrassment or feeling self-conscious when you smile can also cause some mental anxiety and being able to produce a broad, confident smile would alleviate this anxiety.

Treatment is comfortable and discreet

Because Invisalign is made from a dental material which is clear you can wear your aligners knowing that they are almost invisible. The duration of the treatment is determined by the particular condition concerned, but on average is between a year and eighteen months. A series of personal aligners, called trays, are produced, based on your examination. Each aligner must be worn for at least twenty-two hours per day. They can be removed to eat and drink, and to brush and floss your teeth. Aligners are changed around every three weeks to a month, based on progress which we will assess at each visit.

A settling in period

Once the treatment has been completed it will be necessary to wear a final retainer to hold your teeth in place while they settle. This retainer is also made of a clear dental material which is inconspicuous and needs to be worn until you are given the all clear, to ensure that the repositioning of your teeth remains stable.

Misaligned teeth? Invisalign in Cornwall can help!

Invisalign in Cornwall is part of a dental revolution that has seen more than eight million patients, worldwide, benefit from this form of treatment. Unfortunately we are not all born with straight teeth and some of us have to have a correctional procedure to address any dental misalignment. Invisalign in Cornwall is here to help you with a treatment that is comfortable and quick.


Computer aided procedures

The latest technology is being used in dentistry to help ensure accurate and safe procedures in many areas of the profession, including orthodontics. Using the latest computer hardware and software our practice, Archway Dental Surgery, is able to eliminate many of the old techniques and procedures associated with dental misalignment correction. Invisalign in Cornwall uses the iTero digital scanner which provides accurate and detailed 3D digital images of your oral cavity, eliminating the use of dental putty and other outmoded procedures. The communication between our practice and the laboratory is also immediate and helps to speed up the process.

Get a glimpse into the future

Using the amazing Invisalign digital equipment we can produce an image of how your teeth will look after treatment, even before treatment has begun! You can immediately get an idea of how the dental improvements will look and discuss with us if you have any questions.

Can you help correct my condition?

No two people are the same and therefore treatments must be tailor-made to suit a particular patient. Using Invisalign we are able to correct many dental misalignments that were previously only treated with conventional braces such as crowded teeth, crossbite, overbite, underbite and deep bite.

How are they different to braces

Braces come in a variety of shapes and sizes, but all generally use blocks, wires and bands in some shape or form to move your teeth. Invisalign works slightly differently and looks more like a gum shield which fits over your teeth, eliminating the use of blocks, wires and bands. These gum shields are referred to as trays and a treatment plan consists of a series of these trays. Invisalign is also made from a multilayer polyurethane and copolymer thermoplastic which is clear and therefore inconspicuous.

What is involved in the treatment?

The first part of the treatment is to have a thorough examination to assess your condition and decide which treatment plan is best. Thousands of digital images are produced of your oral cavity and  we will communicate digitally with the laboratory to produce your personal set of Invisalign trays. We will fit the first tray and you will be required to wear each tray for at least twenty-two hours per day. You may remove the tray to eat and drink, and to brush and floss your teeth. Every few weeks it will be necessary to have a new tray fitted until the final tray of the treatment is used.

The final reveal

Once treatment has been completed it will be necessary to wear a final retainer to hold your teeth in their new position while they settle. Proper and regular dental maintenance must always be maintained, but now you will be able to reveal your broad, confident smile of lovely straight teeth to the world and your family.

Archway Dental Surgery reveals all about Invisalign!

Shhhh! It should be a secret, but we have to share! If you have misaligned teeth, you might be wondering what treatments are available. Some patients are choosing Invisalign in Cornwall, and if you met them, you probably wouldn’t even realise that they have anything in their mouths realigning their teeth. Why? Because Invisalign, as its name suggests, is almost invisible when worn. At Archway Dental Surgery, we offer Invisalign to patients with mild to moderate alignment issues such as crossbites, over or underbites and crowded or gapped teeth. Within as little as approximately 6 to 18 months, you could have improved alignment, and others wouldn’t know how you did it, unless you let the cat out of the bag, of course!


What is Invisalign in Cornwall?

With plastic aligners that are worn over the teeth, Invisalign in Cornwall discreetly manoeuvres the teeth into the desired positions by applying pressure to them. They are transparent, so only the teeth should be visible. They can also be made bespoke to fit your mouth using iTero technology; this digital scan gets the measurements required for your aligners to be made. From this, we can also generate a 3D animation of what your teeth will look like after your treatment is completed, so you can feel motivated from the outset, knowing how good your teeth will look after treatment is over.

What are the other benefits of choosing Invisalign?

Invisalign offers discretion for patients, but it also carries many other advantages. For convenience, Invisalign has got it made! The aligners are removable so that you can take them out for up to 2 hours a day, including when you are eating and drinking. This means that you can continue to eat your normal diet, and you won’t need to avoid chewy or hard foods. You can also take the aligners out when you want to play sports, attend an event or just fancy a little break from wearing them – whatever works for you!

Another benefit of removing the aligners is that you will be able to brush and floss as normal. This means that you can keep your teeth and gums healthy whilst getting a beautiful smile aligned. As your teeth become more aligned, it should also be easier to clean them.

The aligners are durable, being made of plastic; this means that they won’t get damaged easily and, therefore, you shouldn’t need to come for emergency appointments, taking time out of your busy life. Instead, you should only need to come for a checkup every 6 weeks, and we will send you home with the next batch of aligners to use until your next checkup in another 6 weeks.

Anything else I need to know?

To find out whether Invisalign is the right treatment for your specific needs, you will need to book an initial consultation with us. During this appointment, we will discuss your concerns and answer any questions you may have. We will also thoroughly examine your mouth and jaw to determine what your alignment issues are and advise you on suitable treatment options. If Invisalign is an option for you, we know it’ll be a challenge to keep it a secret, because we can’t stop talking about it with our patients either!

Smiley faces and selfie sticks: getting a smile you love with Invisalign in Cornwall

Have you ever looked at people’s selfie sticks and thought, “don’t point that near me!”? Have you cringed at the thought of smiling ecstatically into the lens of a camera because you feel self-conscious about your misaligned teeth? At Archway Dental Surgery, we believe that having realigned teeth could help you to feel happier about the appearance of your smile. With Invisalign in Cornwall, getting an improved smile is discreet, convenient and effective – we just can’t promise you’ll ever love a selfie stick!


What is Invisalign in Cornwall?

Invisalign in Cornwall comprises plastic aligners which are worn over the teeth like a gumshield. It is streamlined and more comfortable as the aligners are made bespoke for your mouth thanks to iTero technology. This digital scan gets the measurements for your aligners to be manufactured and it also generates a 3D animation of what your teeth will look like after treatment before you get started!

As you wear your aligners, they apply pressure to the teeth to gently push them into the desired position. Each week, you will need to switch to a new aligner and we will provide you with 6 weeks’ worth of aligners to take home with you at each checkup that you have with us. Within approximately 6 to 18 months, you should have the smile you’ll love!

What are the benefits of choosing Invisalign?

Invisalign is a convenient and discreet treatment. When you are wearing the aligners, nobody else should realise that you have anything in your mouth because the plastic is transparent and only your teeth would be seen. You can also remove the aligners for up to 2 hours a day, which means you can have a little break when you need to or when you want to play sports, for example. You can also take them out at mealtimes, and you won’t have to change your diet in any way. You also won’t need to clean the aligners after eating, so there won’t be any mess when you’re out having lunch with friends or family!

Another benefit of Invisalign is that you won’t have to worry about keeping up your normal oral hygiene routine. By removing the aligners when you want to brush and floss, you can continue to do so as normal. As your teeth become more aligned, the cleaning process should just get easier as well, as your teeth will be where they are meant to be without obstructing each other if they were crossed, for example.

How do I get Invisalign?

Invisalign is suitable for people with mild to moderate alignment issues such as crossbite, over or underbite, gapped teeth or crowded teeth. Book in for a consultation with us at Archway Dental Surgery, and our professional and experienced dentists will be able to examine your mouth thoroughly and advise you on the right treatment plan for you. You can ask questions and discuss your views too so that the treatment plan is built collaboratively. If this includes Invisalign, you could soon be on your way to getting the smile you love.

Get a realigned smile undercover with Invisalign!

Ever fancied experiencing life as a secret agent? Do you think that 007 would have nothing on you? At Archway Dental Surgery, we won’t be sending you off on death-defying missions, but we have got a gadget for realigning your teeth that Q would be envious of! Invisalign in Cornwall is a treatment that realigns teeth in a discreet, surreptitious way. As its name suggests, Invisalign in Cornwall should be invisible to all who look at you and your smile – and you don’t have to head to London for it either, so stay where you are Agent!


What is Invisalign?

Invisalign is a system that uses plastic aligners that look like gumshields. They are streamlined and comfortable to wear because they can be made bespoke to fit your mouth using iTero technology. iTero is a scan that gets the precise measurements required for your aligners to be manufactured, and from this, a 3D animation can also be generated to show what your teeth will look like after treatment.

When you wear your aligners, they will apply small amounts of pressure to your teeth to gradually move them into position over time. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to simply change your aligners on a weekly basis and come to see us every 6 weeks for a checkup and to receive the next batch of aligners. Treatment should take just 6 to 18 months, depending on your specific needs.

Why should I accept this mission?

We understand that this isn’t a movie, and we know that your mission won’t be finished in a couple of hours; however, there are many benefits to choosing Invisalign in Cornwall. Firstly, you can have the confidence to wear the aligners no matter what you are doing because you know that they are discreet and people shouldn’t realise you have anything in your mouth. Another benefit of this treatment is that you can remove the aligners for up to 2 hours a day. This allows you to take a break when you need it, and you can also brush and floss as normal, maintaining your oral hygiene routine. You can also remove the aligners when you are eating, so you won’t have to worry about cleaning them after meals or altering your diet in any way.

Invisalign offers discretion, flexibility and convenience for treating mild to moderate alignment issues in just 6 to 18 months. What more could you want from a secret mission with the promise of great results given to you before you get started?!

How do I get Invisalign?

To find out whether Invisalign would be the appropriate treatment for your specific needs, simply book an initial consultation with us. We will be happy to examine your mouth and advise you about what treatments would be suitable for you. You can discuss this with us and ask all the questions you need to make a fully informed decision. If Invisalign is the right treatment for you, there is no mission impossible here! You can relax knowing that Invisalign will do the trick for your smile, and nobody will know how you did it – unless you tell them. Don’t worry, your secret’s safe with us!

Dreaming of straighter teeth? Invisalign in Cornwall can help!

The world has changed a lot and very quickly. And we at Archway Dental Surgery are fully aware of this. Many years ago teeth were purely regarded as a means of chewing food and the cosmetic side was not as highly regarded. Greater awareness of the importance of our teeth to our health and wellbeing has changed all of that, thankfully. Oral hygiene and dental care have become as important as general health and fitness. Straighter teeth help us to chew our food properly and make us feel more confident and good about ourselves, enhancing our mental health. Invisalign in Cornwall was invented to improve the efficiency and time it takes to get from a dental appointment to treatment and finally to results. invisalign-cornwall

Equipment and techniques have changed

It’s taken science and the digital age to discover new materials and equipment that can improve the procedures used to correct dental misalignments. Many of us can remember the child at school who walked around with ‘scaffolding’ in their mouth. That particular dental appliance has seen amazing improvements and has resulted in a variety of adaptations. Braces today come in many guises and are made from materials such as metal, plastic and ceramics. There are clear and teeth-coloured braces and even one type that fits onto the back of the teeth. Enhanced design and equipment have also resulted in improved techniques.

The result of years of development

Invisalign in Cornwall has seen many years of development since its first appearance more than two decades ago. Correcting misaligned dentition was usually achieved by fixed blocks to the front of the teeth and then attaching wires and bands which required regular adjustment. Invisalign in Cornwall introduces a different technique which involves wearing a tray which fits over the teeth and looks like a gum shield. It’s the technology that has gone into these innocuous looking gum shields that is really impressive. The iTero 3D scanner takes on average six thousand images per second of the inside of a patient’s mouth. These images are well defined and accurate and allow us to easily identify a dental condition and with computer guidance we can develop the ideal personal treatment plan.

Quicker communication

Once we have completed our assessment of your condition and agreed a treatment plan, the communication between us and the laboratory is quick, virtually instant. Digital communication  means that we will receive your trays or aligners quickly and we can start the treatment sooner. We can also show you a virtual image of what your straighter teeth will look like before we begin the treatment.

The process

The number of Invisalign trays produced depends on the condition being treated and this also determines the duration of the treatment. Each tray has a slightly different orientation which gradually moves your teeth to correct the misalignment. We will fit the first tray which must be worn for a minimum of at least twenty-two hours per day. To eat, drink, brush and floss your teeth you are allowed to remove the tray. You will be required to attend our surgery as directed to allow us to assess your progress.

Completion of the treatment

Once all the aligners have been used, we will require you to wear one final aligner which is designed to hold your teeth in place where they are, to allow them to settle. This may be for a period of twelve months, but you can remove it more regularly than the trays. You will also be able to enjoy the look and feel of your straighter teeth during this settling period.

Get ready to smile like you mean it!

Misaligned teeth: they can be a source of anxiety and frustration. Alongside that, there can be issues with chewing, speech and jaw pain. Brushing and flossing can be more difficult to do effectively if your teeth are not aligned properly and this can also lead to oral hygiene issues. At Archway Dental Surgery, we offer a convenient and effective treatment with Invisalign in Cornwall. It is a discreet treatment that allows you to continue with your everyday life and nobody else should realise you are wearing an appliance in your mouth, unless you decide to tell them. With wonderful results in approximately just 6 to 18 months, that really gives you something to smile about! invisalign-in-cornwall

How does Invisalign work?

Invisalign is a system of clear plastic aligners. When they are worn like a gumshield, only the teeth should be seen, allowing you to feel confident in your treatment without having to let everyone know about it. As you wear your aligners, they push the teeth to move them into the correct position. Every week, you will switch to a different aligner and you will be provided with 6 weeks’ worth of aligners each time you pop in to us for a checkup. The aligners are custom-made to fit your mouth precisely for maximum comfort and optimum results. We use iTero technology to scan your mouth to get the measurements for the aligners, and from this we can also create a 3D animation of what your teeth will look like at the end of the treatment, before you even get started!

The benefits of Invisalign

Invisalign in Cornwall is offered here at Archway Dental Surgery because of its many benefits. Aside from the fact that the aligners are virtually invisible when worn, they also allow for comfort and convenience. By being made bespoke, the aligners can be a comfortable option and they can also be removed when you need a break. You can remove the aligners for up to 2 hours a day and this includes when you eat and drink. This means that you won’t have to clean your aligners after eating and you won’t need to adapt your diet to soft foods. The aligners are also difficult to break, unlike intricate wires and brackets, so you should find that you don’t need to come and see us for emergency appointments.

Another benefit of being able to remove your aligners is the fact that you can brush and floss as normal. It can be difficult to clean teeth with other types of fixed braces, so with a removable option, it allows you to keep up the great oral hygiene routine that you know and love! We certainly love it! With healthy and happy smiles, it’s a yes from us!


In order for you to see if Invisalign is the right treatment for you, you will need to arrange an initial consultation. We will examine your teeth and jaw carefully and we may also take x-rays, for example, in order for us to ascertain what your alignment issues are and to be able to recommend the appropriate treatments. During this time, you can ask as many questions as you need, and you can discuss your thoughts about what treatment might work best for you. Together, we will find the treatment plan that works for you. If it happens to be Invisalign, then we look forward to giving you a smile you really want to smile about!

Why do people choose Invisalign with us?

If you are someone who is tired of having a misaligned smile and are looking for a treatment to help, then this solution could be for you. At Archway Dental Surgery, Invisalign in Cornwall has boomed, and we are proud to deliver it to our patients. We will ensure that you are provided with a high quality experience throughout, and that you are happy with your results. cornwall-invisalign

Why Invisalign?

There are a lot of reasons why this treatment has become so popular amongst our patients. After you decide on the Invisalign in Cornwall treatment, you will really see how much easier it is whilst still receiving effective results.

Easy process

The first reason why people choose Invisalign in Cornwall over some other treatments is because of how easy the process is. From start to finish you will notice how seamlessly everything proceeds.

First, you will have your consultation, and most of the time, you won’t even need a dental impression. All we will do is match your teeth up to our case assessments (photos of misaligned teeth) and then take scans to get a clear image of your teeth. Once this is done, we send off the scans to assist in the creation of your custom aligners.

Once we have provided you with your aligners, the process continues to stay very easy. You will manage most of your treatment at home, only needing to visit us every 6-8 weeks for a check-up. We will recommend that you wear the aligners for around 20 hours a day. They are easily removable which makes it simple when it comes to taking them in and out. You will change to the next aligners after around 2 weeks, and can do this from the comfort of your own home. This treatment focuses more on mild to moderate cases of misalignment, meaning that the treatment time is usually fairly fast. You can expect to complete the treatment in as little as 6 months, but this can extend to 18 months if you have a more severe case of misalignment.

Invisible and comfortable aligners

One of the main reasons that our patients choose this treatment is because of the aligners themselves. They are made out of a plastic, clear material and are shaped just for your teeth. This means that the aligners are practically invisible to others, which is great if you want to maintain a natural look whilst straightening your smile.

Effective results

Even though this treatment has a much easier process and is less invasive, it has still produced great results for our patients. Whether you are struggling with crowding, gappy teeth, underbite or any other alignment problem, this treatment will be able to help.

No food restrictions

Another thing that our patients have loved about this treatment is the fact that there are no food restrictions during the treatment. With some other braces, you may need a fixed dental appliance, which means there are certain foods you can’t eat. Whereas with this treatment, due to the aligners being removable, there is no need to restrict which foods you indulge in!

What are the main differences between fixed braces and Invisalign in Cornwall?

When our patients approach us wanting to straighten their teeth, there are often two treatments that they have in mind, fixed braces and Invisalign in Cornwall. Although these two treatments are very different, they are both the most popular and usually most effective when it comes to straightening teeth. You have probably heard of both of these treatments and might be wondering what the differences are and what makes them so popular, and we will explain that to you here. invisalign-in-cornwall

When you come to us at Archway Dental Surgery looking to straighten your teeth, we will ensure that you receive the right treatment at high standards. We take pride in delivering the results you have been looking for and will take great care of you whilst doing so.

The differences

The way your teeth are straightened

Fixed braces

The first noticeable difference between fixed braces and Invisalign in Cornwall is how they straighten your teeth. Firstly, fixed braces use a system of metal brackets and wires to move your teeth into a straighter position. This has proven to be very effective when it comes to straightening even the worst cases of misalignment amongst our patients. Fixed braces can be permanently attached to your teeth for the whole duration of the treatment, which is a big reason for their effectiveness in the more severe cases.


Invisalign in Cornwall can straighten your teeth in a completely different way. It uses clear, plastic aligners to improve the position of your teeth instead of a fixed appliance like braces. We provide this treatment to our patients who are struggling with mild to moderate cases of misalignment, and it has done an amazing job so far.

The process

What happens before, during and after treatment is very different with fixed braces and Invisalign. No matter what treatment you are getting with us, we will first have a consultation appointment with you. This allows us to make sure that the treatment is right for you and examine your teeth to plan the treatment. Regardless of which one is right for you, you are sure to love the results afterwards.

Fixed braces

If we decide that fixed braces will be suitable for you, then we will invite you to our dental practice for an appointment so they can be attached. We do this by using dental cement to attach one bracket to each tooth, and then use the wires to connect them together. This forms a strong and stable system that will gradually move your teeth into the desired position. As your braces straighten your teeth, they will need to be tightened to continue moving your teeth to their full potential, and we will do this for you every few weeks at a dental appointment.


If you are getting Invisalign instead, the process is entirely different to that of fixed braces. We will provide you with multiple aligners, and each one will be different, which is how the aligners work to straighten your teeth. Once we have given you the aligners, you can take control of your treatment and make sure that you keep your aligners in for around 22 hours a day. You can easily remove them when it comes to eating and brushing your teeth, which is very handy. You must change between the different aligners yourself from the comfort of your own home, which is great when you have a busy schedule.

4 FAQs about Invisalign answered by us

Here at Archway Dental Surgery, we are proud to offer Invisalign to patients who are struggling with misaligned teeth, as it has really helped to rejuvenate and improve their smiles. You probably have some questions about the treatment, as a lot of people do, so we have compiled the most common ones here to give you an idea of how Invisalign in Cornwall can help you. invisalign-cornwall

What is it?

Invisalign in Cornwall is a treatment that helps with a range of different dental imperfections such as crowding, overbites, underbites and gapped teeth. This is done with the use of multiple custom-made, clear aligners that can fit snugly over your teeth and gently move them into a straighter position over time.

What are the benefits?

When getting Invisalign in Cornwall, there’s a whole range of benefits that you can enjoy, whether it’s before, during or after the treatment.

Simple process

One of the main benefits that our patients have loved about this treatment is the simplicity of it all. There are no invasive procedures, you will require only a few dental appointments with us, and you do the bulk of the treatment from the comfort of your own home.

Invisible aligners

Another benefit that has made Invisalign so popular within our dental practice is the look of the aligners when they are worn. The combination of them being made out of thin, clear plastic and the fact that they will be custom-made for your teeth means that they will barely be visible to others.

Effective results

Even though this treatment doesn’t use a fixed dental appliance and the aligners are made out of plastic, they still deliver excellent results when it comes to straightening teeth. These results mixed with the simplicity of the process and the natural look of the aligners creates a great dental treatment.

What’s our process?

When you come to our clinic looking to get Invisalign, we will begin by having a consultation with you. This allows us to get to know you and your needs and gives you the opportunity to ask any questions you may have about the treatment. We will also take pictures, videos and x-rays of your teeth to get a clear image to allow us to create your treatment plan. If you decide to go ahead, we will send off your scans so that your custom aligners can be created.

We will provide you with multiple aligners at a time and recommend that you wear each one for around 20 hours a day to get the full effectiveness. You should use each aligner for around 2 weeks before moving on to the next one, and this is what will move your teeth into a straighter position over time.

At the end of the treatment, when you are enjoying your new and improved smile, we will provide you with a retainer that we highly recommend you use. After having any straightening treatment, your teeth will try to revert to their original positions, and a retainer stops them from doing this.

How long does it take?

The amount of time it takes to complete the Invisalign treatment can massively vary as everyone’s needs are different. But generally, it has taken our patients between 6 to 18 months to finish the treatment. After this, with the right care, your results can last a lifetime.