Author: archwaydental

Have some questions about Invisalign? Your top 5 FAQs answered by our dentist

If you are an adult with misaligned teeth, chances are you want to get your smile improved without the inconvenience of regular braces.invisalign-in-cornwall

In the last 10 years, more visually discreet aligners and braces have been introduced to dental surgeries, making this not only possible but affordable too!

At Archway Dental Surgery, our team knows all about straightening your smile and we can offer you a myriad of different braces and aligners to support your individual needs. We offer everything from regular metal braces for more complex cases to the world-famous Invisalign in Cornwall. So, whatever your orthodontic needs are, we can help!

Have some questions about Invisalign in Cornwall? Our team answers the top 5 FAQs below.

Who is suitable for invisible aligners?

Generally, most people who have misaligned teeth or issues with bite can look at treatment with Invisalign in Cornwall.

However, this style of aligner is more suitable for mild to moderate misalignments; if you have problems with your upper and lower jaw fitting together when you close your mouth, then you may find metal or fitted braces are deemed more appropriate for you.

But in order to be sure of your options, contact our team at Archway Dental!

Is it uncomfortable?

While invisible aligners have been heralded as being more comfortable than metal ones, there is no such thing as a completely comfortable orthodontic treatment.

However, due to the design of invisible aligners they push your teeth into their new positions (as opposed to pulling with regular braces), so there will be less pressure or discomfort over all.

If you are concerned about the level of discomfort you are experiencing while wearing invisible braces, contact our team for a check-up.

How long does it take to straighten teeth?

On average, invisible aligners take between 3-6 months to straighten teeth, but once again this will depend on the severity of the misalignment and if you stick to the treatment regime that we set down for you.

If you would like a more personalised idea of treatment time relating to invisible braces, please contact our team for an assessment.

Will I need to wear the aligner every day?

Yes, you will!

A key issue that rears its head with invisible aligners is the temptation to remove them. As they are designed to be taken out when you are eating, drinking or attending dental check-ups, many patients are unaware of how detrimental this can be to the treatment.

So, to keep your realignment on schedule and to get that straighter smile that you deserve, aim to keep the aligners in your mouth for a minimum of 22 hours per day.

Is Invisalign more expensive than metal braces?

Surprisingly, not always.

While we cannot specify individual prices, the fees associated with orthodontics include the appointments that are had with our dental team and any adjustments made. Therefore, if you are wearing an invisible aligner, your realignment will probably be completed sooner and you will require fewer dental visits. So, invisible aligners may actually be more cost effective for you.

Which is the superior, Invisalign or a metal brace? Our team at Archway compare the two

So, when you are an adult or teenager with misaligned teeth, chances are you have had more than a few chats with a dental team about your options to get a straighter smile.invisalign-in-cornwall

And, in years gone by, had you attempted to straighten your teeth in adulthood or even adolescence, you would probably have had to wear a metal brace.

In more modern times, however, dental surgeries have been able to offer their patients treatment with other types of orthodontic appliances, such as clear braces and invisible aligners, thus removing the need for noticeable orthodontic options. But are they as good as the more traditional regular braces?

At Archway Dental, we have helped many of our adult and teenage patients get the smiles that they want using both traditional braces and more modern options such as Invisalign in Cornwall. And we have seen and heard more than our fair share of stories comparing the two different options, so when you come to us, you know you are getting experts across all orthodontic appliances!

But how does an invisible aligner like Invisalign in Cornwall compare to a traditional brace? We compared five key points of these appliances and see which is best for general orthodontic usage.


Orthodontic braces are composed of metal wires and brackets and, let’s be honest, this is far from discreet.

Invisalign in Cornwall is made from clear plastic and is moulded to slot over your teeth. These aligners are the epitome of a discreet orthodontic appliance. So perhaps we can probably say Invisalign win this round!


Regular braces require tightening and adjusting to move your teeth into their desired position; in the days following these adjustments, there is going to be some pressure and tension in the jaw.

Invisible aligners gradually push the teeth into their new positions and, with each aligner being changed on average every 14 days, the increments are smaller and more manageable. Again it would seem these aligners have the advantage.

Ease of use

Invisible aligners can be removed, are cleaned via a cold water tap and a toothbrush and require no additional tools.

Regular braces will need to be cleaned after each meal with a series of interdental brushes and specialist toothpaste, to ensure that no plaque accumulation is missed. That can be challenging!

Therefore Invisalign has the edge on ease of care.


Invisible aligners can treat only mild to moderate misalignments at present, meaning if you have a complex orthodontic case, you won’t be suitable for them.

Historically, the traditional brace has been able to correct even the most complex cases as well as minor ones, so it is the most versatile of the two!

Treatment time

Invisible braces on adults have an average treatment time of 3-6 months.

Regular braces can vary in treatment time from 6-36 months, which equates to many more trips to see our team. So on being time efficient invisible aligners are ahead.


When you are looking to correct misalignments of any complexity, talk to our team at Archway Dental Surgery, as we will select the best orthodontic appliance for your needs. Perfect!

What conditions can Invisalign treat? Read on to find out with Archway Dental

Chances are that if you are an adult who has a crooked smile or another type of misalignment, you have spent a fair amount of time online looking for solutions.invisalign-in-cornwallAnd in years gone by, you may have been perturbed by the answers to misaligned teeth, you were simply given the option to either put up with your crooked teeth or to wear metal, orthodontic braces, even for the slightest misalignments. Which, let’s be frank, hardly seemed fair!

But, were you to conduct this search today, you will have come across the new range of orthodontics for adults; clear or invisible aligners.

At Archway Dental, we have helped numerous patients to correct their misalignments in adulthood, using invisible aligners like Invisalign in Cornwall. This world-famous brace is fitted to create your unique smile and gently pushes your teeth into their new locations gradually, reducing the discomfort that comes with more traditional orthodontic options. And due to its design, it is great at correcting mild to moderate orthodontic issues too.

So, what are some of the orthodontic conditions that Invisalign in Cornwall can treat? Read on to find out!


One of the most common of all orthodontic issues is an overbite; this is where the front teeth on the upper jaw or the upper jaw itself are further forward than the lower jaw, causing the teeth to protrude.

In severe cases, a patient may actually find it difficult to close their mouths. Invisalign in Cornwall can help in mild to moderate cases of overbite, by pushing the teeth back in line with those of the lower jaw.


OK, so an underbite is the reverse of an overbite and is still fairly common; it is where the lower set of teeth protrude forward. However, this issue can be extreme, as it is also dependent on the length of the lower jaw.

And yes, invisible braces can treat mild cases of underbite, but if your jaw is long or it is more complex, you may need a range of orthodontic treatments.

Crooked alignment

If you simply have crooked teeth, an invisible aligner is likely to be able to help.

Remember, this aligner is custom-fitted to your teeth and using computer technology, an orthodontist maps the positions that it needs to move your teeth into, to get that straighter smile.

There is no need to worry about your teeth being arranged in an odd alignment; this aligner will probably be able to handle it!


If you have mild to moderate spacing between your teeth (up to 0.5 cms), then this invisible aligner will be able to correct it by gently moving them together.

If your spacing is more than this, then our team may still be able to use this aligner, but it may be used after some other orthodontic tools.


Do your teeth overlap? If so, they are crowded. And invisible aligners can correct quite extreme cases of crowding, provided that it does not involve rotating molars or other teeth.

A brief overview of the Invisalign system

Our team of well-experienced dental practitioners at Archway Dental Surgery welcome the opportunity to help patients find the most suitable treatment plan that will help them restore and protect their dental health and mouth function as well as improve teeth symmetry and aesthetics. We are always eager to present modern dental treatments such as Invisalign in Cornwall that have been proven for their efficacy.invisalign-in-cornwall

In keeping with our patient-centred philosophy, we will present all suitable treatment plan options to the patient, discussing the merits and drawbacks of each. We act as a guiding hand but it is ultimately up to the patients to decide which treatment plan they choose to reach their dental goals.

With the overwhelming number of happy and satisfied patients behind its name, we are no longer surprised at the interest generated in Invisalign in Cornwall. Indeed the treatment has been able to transform countless numbers of patients’ smiles since its introduction in the orthodontics market. For patients who have a vague idea of this system, we present a brief guide of the most important takeaways of this orthodontic treatment plan.

Important takeaways of Invisalign in Cornwall

Invisalign is often referred to as a tray-based or aligner-like orthodontic system. It is so designed to offer features that distinguish it from other conventional orthodontic appliances. Some of the distinguishing characteristics are as follows:

Easily removable

The fact that these tray-based braces can be easily removed and reinserted by the patient is a significant differentiating quality that sets it apart from the more traditional fixed brace systems. This feature works to provide a number of highly desirable benefits to the patient such as simplifying at-home oral hygiene maintenance and doing away with food restrictions.

Made from transparent plastic material

One of the most common complaints with wearing fixed metal braces is that they are so glaringly obvious to others which makes them embarrassing to wear. This concern becomes null and void with the tray-based teeth-correcting system as these are made from transparent medical-grade plastic material. This makes this system amazingly discreet and a popular option for adult patients.

Patients find the clear aligners relatively comfortable to wear

In looking at the aligner-like system it is easy to see why patients find them more comfortable: there are no sharp edges as are found in metal braces that poke into gums or inner cheeks.

Patients enjoy a simplified treatment plan

With the removable, clear tray-based system, patients will find that they are not required to make visits to our dental clinic for manual adjustments as is the case with traditional braces. Once our dental practitioner has captured the digital impressions of the patient’s mouth, these are sent to the dental laboratory where the trays are custom made for each patient. The treatment plan consists of a number of trays that need to be worn during the duration of the treatment plan. We will provide instruction as to how often each tray should be worn and when to start with a new tray. It is imperative that these instructions are followed to the tee if the patient is to receive the outcomes they are looking for.

More and more patients are choosing orthodontic solutions that meet their lifestyle needs. You can find out more by arranging for one of our highly competent dentists at Archway Dental Surgery to carry out a comprehensive consultation.

Starting treatment with Invisalign? Tips to make those first weeks easier by Archway Dental

So, you’ve been given the green light to proceed with an invisible brace by a member of our team – good for you!


While relatively new to the world of orthodontics, clear and invisible braces have helped thousands of people to get the smiles that they have wanted since childhood. As you can imagine, with their visually discreet impact, these brace types are exceedingly popular with adults and teenagers, and with the faster time frame, you won’t even be wearing them for that long!

At Archway Dental Surgery, we have helped hundreds of adults get the straight smiles they want using these braces, namely the world-famous Invisalign brace. Designed to look more like a custom-fitted mouthguard made from clear plastic, these aligners use a sequential wearing order to gradually move your teeth into their new position, without the need for tightening or discomfort.

But, in those first few weeks of wear, you will have to adjust to wearing Invisalign in Cornwall, and in this article, we will provide you with some tips on how to manage and make your teeth straightening journey more comfortable.

Keeping them clean

Chances are that growing up, you knew someone who wore metal braces and was forever brushing at them to keep them free from debris.

While Invisalign in Cornwall is a removable brace, you will still need to keep it clean, if only to keep it invisible!

So, simply run the aligners under a cold tap and brush away any debris with a soft-bristled toothbrush. Do not use hot water, as this may cause the plastic to warp, and refrain from using mouthwash to clean the aligner as this may cause discolouration.

Timing is everything

As you may already know, in order for your invisible braces to work, they will need to be worn for 22 hours per day; you can remove them to eat food and brush your teeth, but for the rest of the time, they need to stay in.

This means you will be living by the clock; try to keep a diary of how often the brace is kept in your mouth and set alarms on your phone to remind you of when you need to put it back in.

Tongue protection

Yes, these aligners are more comfortable for your teeth but, during those first few weeks, it is likely that they will rub against your tongue, causing friction sores.

Eventually, the plastic will wear down, but in the meantime, protect your tongue by placing dental wax on the aligners to soften any edges.

Discomfort management

There is, sadly, no such thing as a completely comfortable orthodontic treatment and so, when you are using any brace, you will need to manage the pressure in your jaw.

We recommend over-the-counter relief such as ibuprofen or paracetamol, but always discuss this with a pharmacist if you aren’t sure.

Use the storage!

Your aligners will come with a fitted carry case, use it!

They will keep the aligners in shape, free from debris and will stop them from getting damaged.

Think you know everything about Invisalign braces? 5 facts you may not know from Archway Dental

If you are one of the many adults in the UK who has misaligned teeth, chances are that you have heard of clear and invisible braces.


After all, since they have become popular in dental surgeries around the country, more and more people are experiencing the benefits of them, so any online search into adult orthodontics will provide you with tips and general information about these appliances.

But is there anything about these braces that dentists are keeping close to their chest?

At Archway Dental Surgery, we have helped thousands of patients straighten their teeth with clear and invisible braces, such as Invisalign in Cornwall. And so, our team knows all there is to know about this aligner, including some of the facts that you won’t find on any regular blog post!

Curious to know what we do about Invisalign in Cornwall? Read on!

It can improve your overall health

Of course, Invisalign in Cornwall can straighten your teeth and boost your confidence with its discreet appearance, but did you know that it can also improve your general health?

As it aligns your teeth, it reduces areas where plaque and bacteria can hide, thus reducing the chances of you developing tooth decay or gum disease. Also, by reducing the hiding spots for bacteria, it helps you improve your cardiovascular health, while also decreasing the likelihood of you developing cancer. Now that’s a brace with a lot of extra plus points!

It’s the aligner of celebrities!

As you may have guessed, it isn’t only popular with everyday people.

Many celebrities have used this brace, including Emma Watson and Zac Effron, if it worked to give them their gorgeous, Hollywood worthy smiles, imagine what it can do for you!

Dental check-ups are rare with this aligner

Unlike traditional braces or fitted aligners, when it comes to this invisible brace, your dental appointments with our team will be minimal.

In fact, there is even an app which you can use to send our team updates on your progress, meaning that you will only need to book an appointment with us to assess progress every 6 weeks.

It is personalised

Again, unlike traditional braces, this brace is moulded around the natural shape of your teeth as a starting point, gently moving them to the desired location.

How does this work? Our team will use a 3D scanner to take an image of the inside of your mouth, which is then entered into a computer. Using associated technology, we will ‘move’ the digital image of your teeth, thus predicting how many aligners will be needed and how long you will need to wear the brace for.

The technology behind it is impressive

Once we have calculated the time and aligners required, the 3D printer comes in!

Yes, these aligners are created using 3D printers, reducing the cost of each aligner and allowing for extreme precision throughout the orthodontic procedure.

Once all the aligners have been printed, you are ready to begin your invisible brace journey.

Does Invisalign straighten your jaw? Your 5 FAQs about these braces answered

When it comes to adult aligners and braces, you could still be forgiven for assuming that any orthodontic treatment that occurs past the age of 18 is going to involve a heavy, bulky brace.

invisalign-in-cornwallA few years ago, you would have been right; even adults who had the most misaligned smiles often preferred to avoid wearing braces in their later years, as they were typically metal and far from discreet.

In 2020 however, there are now clear and invisible braces which, as the names suggest, are designed to be minimal but are just as powerful as traditional braces. Brilliant!

At Archway Dental Surgery, we are proud to be able to offer our suitable patients both clear or invisible braces, especially Invisalign in Cornwall. Removable, custom-fitted and easy to fit around a busy lifestyle, this infamous invisible brace is making waves in adult orthodontics, helping thousands of adults around the globe to get the smiles that they have always wanted.

Sound too good to be true? Here, our team at Archway Dental Surgery answers 5 of the most commonly asked questions about Invisalign in Cornwall. Enjoy!

Without metal, how does it straighten teeth?

A key feature of Invisalign in Cornwall is its clear, plastic retainers- but how do they straighten your teeth?

In short, thanks to a 3D scan and computer-assisted technology, you will have a set of aligners printed, which will need to be worn in a precise order. These aligners will slot over the top of your teeth and gradually push them into the desired position- no straightening, no adjustments, just a bit of pushing with the assistance of a fitted retainer!

Can it treat any kind of misalignment?

Initially, this invisible brace was designed to treat only mild misalignment but as technology has advanced, it can now straighten a wider range of orthodontic issues.

Of course, before you use this brace, our team at Archway Dental Surgery will need to assess if you are suitable for it. However, it can treat many orthodontic issues from spacing to overbites.

Does it straighten the jaw along with the teeth?

Unlike traditional braces, both clear and invisible braces are not able to straighten the alignment of either the upper or lower jaw.

If your jaws do not sit together correctly, then our team may decide to use a traditional, metal brace to correct this first and may use an invisible brace at a later stage of treatment.

Is it uncomfortable?

There is (sadly) no such thing as a completely comfortable brace or aligner and invisible braces are no different.

For a few days after each aligner change, you may feel some pressure against your teeth and discomfort; this is normal and should be expected.

Is it true that there is an app with this brace?

A truly modern brace, this invisible brace does come with a supported app for you and our team to keep track of the movement of your teeth, reducing your trips to our surgery. Perfect!

Archway Dental Surgery brings you Invisalign in Cornwall

So, what’s the deal? Are you somebody who doesn’t like having photos taken – at least not when you’re smiling? Are you somebody who avoids looking at themselves in the mirror when flashing a glimpse of the pearly whites? Do you find it difficult to look at pictures of people in magazines smiling because you wish your smile was like theirs and it’s not? If any of this sounds familiar to you, you may be thinking that there’s little you can do about realigning your teeth. Having misaligned teeth can be a source of anxiety and stress, especially when you are an adult and can’t face the thought of having fixed, visible metal braces.


At Archway Dental Surgery, we can help improve the alignment of your smile in a discreet and effective way with Invisalign in Cornwall.

What is Invisalign?

Invisalign is a system that offers a discreet method of realigning your teeth using clear plastic aligners. The aligners apply pressure to your teeth to move them into the target position; don’t worry, though! It should be comfortable as you will change aligners every couple of weeks and this means that they only apply gentle pressure to your teeth. What’s more, we’ll provide you with several sets of aligners at a time, so you won’t need to come and see us every couple of weeks – as much as we’d be happy to see you, we know you’ll have more important things to do with your time!

What are the benefits of choosing Invisalign in Cornwall?

At Archway Dental Surgery, we believe that there are a lot of benefits to choosing Invisalign. Invisalign offers a convenient way of realigning your teeth; you can remove the aligners when you need to, including when you eat and drink, which means you also don’t have to change your diet. You can also brush and floss as normal, allowing you to maintain your oral hygiene. The aligners shouldn’t be visible to other people when you wear them, either, thanks to the clear plastic design. What’s more, they should be really comfortable for you to wear as they will be made bespoke to fit your mouth, sitting snugly on the gumline.

How are measurements taken for the aligners to make them bespoke?

We use iTero 3D technology to scan your mouth for the measurements, which means we won’t need to take messy impressions of your mouth. The scan provides us with the information we need to make your prescription for you aligners to be made from. From this technology, we can also show you a 3D animation of what your teeth will look like after treatment, giving you a clear understanding of how your teeth will look after the completion of treatment. It can be a really exciting thing to see for patients and we like to think it gives you something to feel motivated by when wearing your aligners.

What should I do now?

The first thing you will need to do is book in with us for a consultation and we can check if Invisalign is the right course of treatment for you. Invisalign is used to treat mild to moderate alignment issues. If this isn’t the right course of treatment for you, don’t worry! We have other convenient options available. The best thing to do is have a chat with us and find out what could work. We’re here to listen to all of your concerns and questions, and to discover what your overall aim is for your smile. We will give you our expert advice and the right treatment for you.

So, if you’re keen to get a great smile, why not contact us at Archway Dental Surgery and let us get you grinning your best grin? Say cheese!

Invisalign in Cornwall: giving you the low down!

If you have misaligned teeth – a crossbite, overcrowding, an overbite or an underbite – you may well have heard about Invisalign in Cornwall. At Archway Dental Surgery, we offer a discreet solution to realigning your teeth, giving you the opportunity to smile with the confidence you deserve to have. Not everyone fancies having their teeth realigned for fear of having to wear metal braces and looking like an overgrown teenager, but thankfully this doesn’t have to be the case.invisalign-in-cornwall

What is Invisalign in Cornwall?

Invisalign is an alternative to metal braces. It consists of clear plastic aligners that are bespoke fitted to your mouth. We will take a scan of your mouth using iTero technology from which your aligners will then be made to measure, fitting comfortably along the gumline. Using this scan, we can also create a 3D animation to show you how your teeth will look after treatment has been completed – it’s clever stuff and should get you motivated to wear your aligners for the recommended average of 22 hours a day. When worn, the aligners apply gentle pressure to your teeth to move them gradually into the desired position.

What are the benefits of Invisalign?

There are so many benefits to Invisalign in Cornwall that we could talk about it all day! We’re always happy to run through everything with you in person if you book in for a consultation, but here are the highlights. The first major plus point of Invisalign is that when worn, the aligners are barely visible to onlookers. The clear plastic simply shows your teeth through them and people shouldn’t notice you are wearing them – unless you choose to tell them, of course! You can remove the aligners whenever you need to, including when you eat and drink; this means that you won’t have messy clean ups after eating – at least not with your aligners! Another benefit is that you can also remove them when you have a special occasion or a sports fixture – the flexibility is there for you to make the decisions that suit you and your lifestyle. By being able to remove the aligners, you will also be able to maintain great oral hygiene by brushing and flossing as normal. With fixed braces, it can be difficult to keep teeth and gums as healthy, due to issues with brushing and flossing.

A further benefit to choosing Invisalign to treat mild to moderate alignment issues is that the plastic aligners are provided in sets which you will change between every couple of weeks. You get enough sets that you only need to come for a check-up every 6 weeks or so. This means you won’t need as much time off work and, with plastic aligners, there is less chance you will need emergency appointments either, as there is less that can go wrong with them than traditional metal braces (the boss won’t be breathing down your neck because of us!)

So, if you fancy realigning your teeth discreetly, conveniently and effectively, why not get the ball rolling with us at Archway Dental Surgery? We’re here to help get you the great smile you deserve and without feeling uneasy about people knowing what you’re up to – Invisalign can be our little secret.

Want to know more about the Invisalign brace? 5 interesting facts from Archway Dental Surgery

It is an exciting time in the field of adult orthodontics.

More than ever before, people are coming forward to have their teeth straightened later in life, equating to more adult aligners and braces being worn.invisalign-cornwall

If you are curious as to why you haven’t noticed this upsurge in braces while out and about, it could be because they do not use traditional metal braces. Indeed, many of the braces used by patients today are either defined as clear or invisible, which as the name suggests, make them very difficult to spot!

At Archway Dental, we know all there is to know about clear and invisible braces and are able to suggest the most suitable one to help you get the smile you have always dreamed of. With the use of Invisalign in Cornwall, we have been able to straighten thousands of smiles in our time as a cosmetic dentist, helping people of all ages get great smiles discreetly. Perfect!

Curious to learn more about how Invisalign in Cornwall works? Read on for 5 fun facts about this invisible brace.

You know how your smile will look at the start!

Our team at Archway Dental will be able to show you how your smile will look once you have used Invisalign in Cornwall before you even have the first aligner made!

Using computer technology, we will be able to show you the end result and also show you each step in between, so you will know what to expect at every stage of the process.

Fewer dental trips than other braces

Worried about how you will be able to fit this treatment in around work and social commitments?

Luckily, with this invisible aligner, there are fewer overall trips to see our team while you wear them, equating to more time being able to see friends and family.

And, as this brace also has an app to help you track progress, you can update our team digitally, without having to step into our surgery.

Aligners are safer; no latex or BPA

There has been a lot of buzz surrounding the use of harmful chemical BPA in many household materials.

As this brace is made with plastic, many patients have concerns that this may be one of the compounds that make up their brace but rest assured, the composition of this brace contains neither BPA nor latex, making it perfectly safe.

Your teeth will be straightened faster

OK, so while this will depend on the alignment of your teeth at the beginning, on average this brand of brace can straighten your smile in as little as 6 months.

This is an average, so talk to our team about how long it may take to get your smile straightened.

More smiles are eligible for straightening than ever before

This brace is able to straighten a wider array of misalignment than many people think possible. If you have gaps, an overbite, crowding or asymmetry in your smile, this brace can treat them all with ease.