What conditions can Invisalign treat? Read on to find out with Archway Dental

Chances are that if you are an adult who has a crooked smile or another type of misalignment, you have spent a fair amount of time online looking for solutions.invisalign-in-cornwallAnd in years gone by, you may have been perturbed by the answers to misaligned teeth, you were simply given the option to either put up with your crooked teeth or to wear metal, orthodontic braces, even for the slightest misalignments. Which, let’s be frank, hardly seemed fair!

But, were you to conduct this search today, you will have come across the new range of orthodontics for adults; clear or invisible aligners.

At Archway Dental, we have helped numerous patients to correct their misalignments in adulthood, using invisible aligners like Invisalign in Cornwall. This world-famous brace is fitted to create your unique smile and gently pushes your teeth into their new locations gradually, reducing the discomfort that comes with more traditional orthodontic options. And due to its design, it is great at correcting mild to moderate orthodontic issues too.

So, what are some of the orthodontic conditions that Invisalign in Cornwall can treat? Read on to find out!


One of the most common of all orthodontic issues is an overbite; this is where the front teeth on the upper jaw or the upper jaw itself are further forward than the lower jaw, causing the teeth to protrude.

In severe cases, a patient may actually find it difficult to close their mouths. Invisalign in Cornwall can help in mild to moderate cases of overbite, by pushing the teeth back in line with those of the lower jaw.


OK, so an underbite is the reverse of an overbite and is still fairly common; it is where the lower set of teeth protrude forward. However, this issue can be extreme, as it is also dependent on the length of the lower jaw.

And yes, invisible braces can treat mild cases of underbite, but if your jaw is long or it is more complex, you may need a range of orthodontic treatments.

Crooked alignment

If you simply have crooked teeth, an invisible aligner is likely to be able to help.

Remember, this aligner is custom-fitted to your teeth and using computer technology, an orthodontist maps the positions that it needs to move your teeth into, to get that straighter smile.

There is no need to worry about your teeth being arranged in an odd alignment; this aligner will probably be able to handle it!


If you have mild to moderate spacing between your teeth (up to 0.5 cms), then this invisible aligner will be able to correct it by gently moving them together.

If your spacing is more than this, then our team may still be able to use this aligner, but it may be used after some other orthodontic tools.


Do your teeth overlap? If so, they are crowded. And invisible aligners can correct quite extreme cases of crowding, provided that it does not involve rotating molars or other teeth.