Starting treatment with Invisalign? Tips to make those first weeks easier by Archway Dental

So, you’ve been given the green light to proceed with an invisible brace by a member of our team – good for you!


While relatively new to the world of orthodontics, clear and invisible braces have helped thousands of people to get the smiles that they have wanted since childhood. As you can imagine, with their visually discreet impact, these brace types are exceedingly popular with adults and teenagers, and with the faster time frame, you won’t even be wearing them for that long!

At Archway Dental Surgery, we have helped hundreds of adults get the straight smiles they want using these braces, namely the world-famous Invisalign brace. Designed to look more like a custom-fitted mouthguard made from clear plastic, these aligners use a sequential wearing order to gradually move your teeth into their new position, without the need for tightening or discomfort.

But, in those first few weeks of wear, you will have to adjust to wearing Invisalign in Cornwall, and in this article, we will provide you with some tips on how to manage and make your teeth straightening journey more comfortable.

Keeping them clean

Chances are that growing up, you knew someone who wore metal braces and was forever brushing at them to keep them free from debris.

While Invisalign in Cornwall is a removable brace, you will still need to keep it clean, if only to keep it invisible!

So, simply run the aligners under a cold tap and brush away any debris with a soft-bristled toothbrush. Do not use hot water, as this may cause the plastic to warp, and refrain from using mouthwash to clean the aligner as this may cause discolouration.

Timing is everything

As you may already know, in order for your invisible braces to work, they will need to be worn for 22 hours per day; you can remove them to eat food and brush your teeth, but for the rest of the time, they need to stay in.

This means you will be living by the clock; try to keep a diary of how often the brace is kept in your mouth and set alarms on your phone to remind you of when you need to put it back in.

Tongue protection

Yes, these aligners are more comfortable for your teeth but, during those first few weeks, it is likely that they will rub against your tongue, causing friction sores.

Eventually, the plastic will wear down, but in the meantime, protect your tongue by placing dental wax on the aligners to soften any edges.

Discomfort management

There is, sadly, no such thing as a completely comfortable orthodontic treatment and so, when you are using any brace, you will need to manage the pressure in your jaw.

We recommend over-the-counter relief such as ibuprofen or paracetamol, but always discuss this with a pharmacist if you aren’t sure.

Use the storage!

Your aligners will come with a fitted carry case, use it!

They will keep the aligners in shape, free from debris and will stop them from getting damaged.