Secret Smiles with Invisalign in Cornwall

When you look in the mirror and see misaligned teeth, you may feel like smiling is off the menu and strained efforts to hide your emotions are on the cards instead. Thankfully, it doesn’t have to be all doom and gloom. At Archway Dental Surgery, we have a discreet, convenient and comfortable solution to aligning your teeth with Invisalign in Cornwall. While you are getting your teeth aligned, you won’t need to worry about other people knowing that you are wearing anything in your mouth as Invisalign aligners should be virtually invisible. Your secret smile won’t need to be a secret at all while you’re wearing Invisalign or when you have finished your treatment and have a beautiful smile!invisalign-cornwall

What’s Invisalign in Cornwall all about?

Invisalign is a top brand of clear aligners that we offer at Archway Dental Surgery. For Invisalign in Cornwall, all you need to do is book an initial consultation to find out whether or not it is the right treatment option for your specific needs. People who have mild to moderate alignment issues, such as crossbites, overbites or underbites, gapped teeth or crowded teeth, for example, may be suitable for treatment with Invisalign’s plastic aligners that are transparent and only show the teeth when worn. The aligners are similar to a gumshield, but they can be made bespoke to fit your mouth and, as such, offer maximum comfort.

The benefits

For those who want to wear an appliance that is discreet and comfortable, Invisalign is the gift that keeps on giving. Aside from the benefits of nobody else knowing that you are wearing anything in your mouth, you also have the bonus of being able to remove the aligners whenever you want to for up to 2 hours a day. This means that you can take them out when you fancy a break, want to play a sport or have a hankering for some food! By removing them while you eat and drink, you won’t have a messy clean-up operation afterwards, which can be really convenient when you’re out in a restaurant. You will also be able to keep up with your oral hygiene routine to keep your teeth in tip-top condition. Brushing and flossing regularly without your aligners being worn is definitely the way to go!

Anything else I need to know about Invisalign?

While you may be keen to see the results immediately, we don’t have a magic wand. However, we can offer you a 3D animation that will show you what your teeth will look like after treatment before you get started, so you can spend your treatment time thinking about how good your teeth are going to look. With Invisalign, the treatment can take as little as 6 to 18 months, which means that you won’t have to wait too long to see the actual results either.

If you want to find out more about how we can help, call our friendly team at Archway Dental Surgery and get ready for a secret smile makeover that will help you smile for the world to see.