Need help surviving Invisalign? Top tips from Archway Dental Surgery

You may have read that invisible aligners are the new big thing in dentistry and orthodontics.invisalign-in-cornwall

But, you also may have read that some of these aligners are failing to produce the results desired by patients and you may be wondering why. It’s simple really; fewer and fewer patients are wearing these aligners for the required amount of time, causing them to experience minimal changes to their misaligned teeth.

Why is this happening? Because patients are simply unprepared for the challenges that come with wearing an invisible aligner. Yes, they are easier to manage than a traditional brace, but that does not mean that they don’t come with their own trials and complications!

At Archway Dental, we know that the wearing of any kind of brace or aligner like Invisalign in Cornwall can be tricky, and so, we are here to support you at every step of the way. We can provide you with targeted advice on how to maintain your orthodontic appliance, while also ensuring that any device we recommend is suitable for your orthodontic needs.

So, what are some of our key survival tips for wearing Invisalign in Cornwall? Read on to find out!

Get a mini toothbrush

When you take your aligner out to eat, you will need to clean your teeth before putting it back in.

And so, when you begin treatment with Invisalign in Cornwall, we recommend that you invest in a small toothbrush to carry with you to work, or on days out etc.

This will help you to clean your teeth after meals and will keep your smile whiter and cavity free.

Clean it!

This aligner is invisible and in order to keep it that way, you will need to clean it daily.

Luckily, this isn’t difficult; simply rinse it under a cold water tap to remove surface staining and use a soft-bristled toothbrush to remove debris. Do not rinse the aligner in hot water as it could warp and do not use mouthwashes to clean it, as this can cause staining.

Use the carry case

This aligner is tough but also fragile; when you receive it from our team, it will come with a carry case. We suggest that you use it.

Throwing the aligner into your bag or coat pocket can cause it to become damaged and may delay your overall treatment time if we have to create a replacement aligner. So, use the carry case!

Time it

You need to wear this aligner for 22 hours per day for it to be effective and so, in the earlier stages of wear, we recommend that you time how long you wear it for each day.

This will help you to get used to it and will also ensure that you are wearing it for the correct amount of time.

Attend appointments

You will need to attend any appointments with our team to ensure that this aligner is working correctly.

If it isn’t, this allows us to make changes and suggest different orthodontic appliances if needed.