Invisalign in Cornwall, setting you up for the day with a beautiful smile

The importance of a healthy smileinvisalign-in-cornwall

Whilst a crooked or overcrowded smile may not be the end of the world, the impact that it can have on the individual wearing that smile can be rather devastating in terms of self- esteem and overall confidence in their appearance. A confident smile can help you get the job interview you have been waiting for, it can help you create a positive memory to look back over in years to come and it can help you approach your social life with confidence.

The impact of a healthy smile on both yourself and those who see you can be staggering which is why starting the day with a smile that brightens up your face and adds a sparkle to it should be a reality instead of a dream.

What is Invisalign in Cornwall?

Sharpening up your smile through tooth realignment has never been easier. These transparent aligners which come in sets are not only removable, but are also designed to your own mouth specifications ensuring that the fit is snug and comfortable. Whilst this may all sound a little too easy, the hardest part for you is to stick to the plan and ensure that you wear the aligners for the recommended 22 hours a day. After all, it can be easy to take them out for a clean and forget to put them back in, so your commitment to your alignment plan is key for success.

Starting your Invisalign in Cornwall journey

Once a discussion with our dentist has taken place regarding your tooth realignment options, you will be booked in for a consultation. This will help our dental team identify whether or not Invisalign in Cornwall is the best treatment for your individual case. To do this not only will a discussion about your goals take place, but a physical examination of the area will be needed. If the treatment looks good to go ahead, a series of digital scans, photographs and potentially X-rays will be taken followed by the creation of your own personalised 3D plan. This plan not only allows you to see the visible result of how the treatment would work on your teeth, but also enables the dental team to understand the full extent of your misalignment. Once both you and our dentist are happy to proceed the digital scans will be used to create your own aligners. This takes approximately 1 to 2 weeks.

Once the aligners are created, an appointment will be made to show you how to wear the aligners and how to follow your own plan effectively. This information is of great importance as the majority of the treatment is carried out at home by you, with check-ups on the progress happening every 4 to 6 weeks.

The timing of the treatment depends entirely upon your individual misalignment problem along with your commitment to the realignment treatment. However, once the end result has been achieved, a new aligner will be provided which is to be worn ongoing. This aligner helps maintain the new positioning of the teeth ensuring all your hard work stays in place.

It is important to fully understand all treatments mentioned within this article and therefore patients are encouraged to seek further information and advice from our dental team before undergoing treatment.