Invisalign in Cornwall for the family at Archway Dental Surgery

When patients have misaligned teeth, one of their most common concerns is how unsightly they fear braces may look, coupled with the concern that they will also be uncomfortable, and they will have to put up with that duo for years. We at Archway Dental Surgery, are a family practice that was established in 1983, and we understand that patients want results as soon as possible with the maximum comfort and discretion. With Invisalign in Cornwall, we can tick all those boxes for patients who have mild to moderate alignment issues. With a special range for teenagers and a range for everyone else with their adult teeth, we can help to realign your teeth effectively.invisalign-in-cornwall

What is Invisalign?

If you haven’t heard of Invisalign in Cornwall, you may be surprised to hear that you can wear clear aligners made of plastic over your teeth like a gumshield – but more comfortable as they can be made bespoke to fit your mouth. You must change between the aligners you are given, on a weekly basis. The aligners will apply a little pressure to your teeth to move them gradually into the desired position. You simply need to come and see us every 6 weeks for a check-up and to receive your next batch of aligners. The aligners can be removed for up to 2 hours a day, and you could be finished with treatment in as little as 6 to 18 months!

Why should I go for Invisalign?

It might be quicker to tell you why you may not opt for Invisalign: if we don’t think it is a suitable treatment for your alignment issues, then we won’t recommend this treatment to you. However, for everyone else, there are a multitude of reasons why you will probably be beating a path to our door for Invisalign.

The first reason patients often opt for Invisalign is the fact that they are really difficult to spot when they are being worn. This means that you can enjoy aligning your teeth and chatting to everyone you meet without the fear that they will be staring at the appliance that is making your smile even more beautiful. This is perhaps the ultimate way to get a great smile discreetly. Teenagers don’t need to worry about what others will say in school, and adults can continue with the board meetings; whatever your day brings, Invisalign will discreetly join you, hassle-free!

A further reason to enjoy Invisalign in Cornwall is the fact that the aligners may be removed for up to 2 hours a day. This means that you can remove them when eating and drinking or for any other reason you fancy – hula hooping, anyone?! You will be able to brush and floss as normal without having to worry about contending with brackets and wires as you would have to do with fixed braces. Invisalign should also be much more comfortable to wear as the aligners can be made bespoke to fit your mouth. We use iTero technology to scan your mouth for the measurements we need to have your aligners manufactured, and we can show you a 3D animation of what your teeth will look like after treatment is over, before you’ve even started!

Find out more

If you would like to know more about how we can help at Archway Dental Surgery, simply book in for an initial consultation and let us give you and your family a reason to smile!