I am unhappy about my smile

Many people can look in the mirror and be unhappy about what they see, when they view an uneven smile and think that they are stuck with it. This does not have to be the case. A beautifully aligned smile can help you feel good about yourself and the world you’re in. It can help you alter your outlook on life and give you the tools to have confidence in every single aspect of your life. A confident smile can help you feel self-possessed when socialising, when at work and when you look in the mirror. Today, we will take you through the ins and outs of a treatment that could straighten your teeth, the reasons we think this could be of benefit to you if you suffer from misaligned teeth, and how this treatment works.invisalign-in-cornwall

What is Invisalign?

Invisalign in Cornwall could be a good option for those looking to straighten their smiles without the use of traditional braces. This treatment is an invisible, convenient and comfortable way for you to straighten your smile. It has been continuously evolving for nearly 25 years and has been specially designed to give patients a series of clear aligners that are used to transform their smile. These aligners fit smoothly around your life, so you can straighten your smile without hindrance. They are comfortable and very discreet, they gently and slowly move the positions of your teeth in small incremental steps and conveniently they are removable, making sure you can keep up good dental hygiene levels.

Why should I have this treatment?

If you have ever thought about your wish for a straighter smile then Invisalign in Cornwall could be a clear path to a straight and healthy-looking smile. This treatment can address a lot of ailments such as overly crowded teeth, widely spaced teeth, crossbites, deep bites and underbites. These aligners are customised to suit your own unique presentation, ensuring that your teeth get the guidance they require to move into their preordained, finished alignment using 3D technology and thin plastic sets of trays. Each aligner will have built-in pressure points to ensure gradual and comfortable alignment of your teeth, specified by the scans taken at your initial consultation. Your dentist will always be on hand to make sure that you understand the process and you are comfortable with each step. They will be available to answer any questions you may have about the treatment.

How quickly does Invisalign work?

Invisalign in Cornwall as a treatment takes approximately 9 to 18 months, depending on the severity of the alignment issue that needs to be corrected. You will first meet with our dentist who will provide you with the treatment plan detailing how your treatment will work and for how long. Using this plan a series of aligners are then manufactured. You will wear your aligner for 20 to 22 hours every day to ensure a successful result . When instructed to do so, you will move onto the next aligner and this will cause the teeth to slowly begin to move to their end position.

What are my next steps?

If you think that this treatment could allow you to enhance your smile for the better, then you should consider getting in touch with us here at Archway Dental Surgery. We always look forward to welcoming new patients and being able to help them achieve their smile goals.