Top techniques to protect your Invisalign treatment plan

We at Archway Dental not only aim to offer efficacious modern orthodontic solutions like Invisalign in Cornwall but work to educate our patients in the best ways to protect their teeth straightening efforts.invisalign-in-cornwall

Patients are often surprised when they learn that using an orthodontic device is not all there is to straightening teeth, but that they, too, have a role to play. What a patient does or not do has a direct bearing on the effectiveness of their treatment plan. And so it is with Invisalign in Cornwall too.

We take a look at some of the best practice techniques we would like patients to bear in mind when using their teeth straightening trays to maximise treatment outcomes.

Great tips to make the most of Invisalign in Cornwall

Don’t forget to sterilise the trays

As they are removable using Invisalign trays simplifies oral hygiene routines. Patients will know to continue to brush and floss daily but they also need to be mindful to clean their aligner trays as well. Food may not get trapped in the trays but bad bacteria transferred from teeth can get stuck too.

We will talk patients through how to sterilise their trays and can recommend the best cleaning solutions available to use. It is thought that hot water is a good idea to get rid of germs and bacteria but hot water damages these trays. Invisalign trays use intuitive technologies to shift teeth and it is important to use only recommended products so as to not damage the trays.

Remember to remove trays when eating

Removing Invisalign aligners at mealtimes is not just for the convenience of patients, there is another reason for this too. While the trays are remarkably strong, there is the risk of staining when eating certain foods or drinking beverages like coffee and red wine. Secondly, there is the possibility of damage when eating with the trays on. The bite force of teeth during biting and chewing may damage the trays.

Remember to store trays as directed

As patients will be removing trays a few times over the course of a day, it pays to remember what to do with them once taken out. We advise patients to always use the dedicated storage cases designed for the aligners and to carry a spare with them when they are out. This will ensure that an appropriate storage case is on hand when they need one. Keeping them safe in the storage case until it is time to put them back on is best to avoid the trays from getting lost (the aligners are made out of clear plastic so they may be hard to spot) or damaged.

Remember to keep to your schedule

Many patients love the fact that Invisalign treatment plans put them in control of their orthodontic goals. The treatment involves wearing a series of trays that need to be changed every week or two. It is imperative that patients remember when each tray needs to be changed.

You can learn more about Invisalign and what the treatment involves by contacting us at Archway Dental for a consultation. We can help you find the right orthodontic solution to give you the smile you’ll love.